How to use your beautiful mind to get financial balance & stability and heck Get Rich

I will teach you the process I used to become wealthy, create value & a legacy in the world.

Let me help you change your money mindset! 

Learn how to uncover and transform your beliefs about wealth, shift from just wanting to be rich to deciding to make it happen, and discover how using your mind to create value will boost your motivation, determination, and help you become the best version of yourself.

Join my 6-day online workshop now!


Join my exclusive 6-Day 'How to use your beautiful mind to get financial balance and stability' Workshop tailored for Health Professionals  in Private Practice. I provide the knowledge, tools, and coaching through my signature money and mind management program, ensuring you achieve remarkable results every week.

  • Date: 8, 15, 22 Oct & 5, 12, 19 Nov 2024 (Tuesdays)
  • Time: 20:00 - 21:00
  • CPD: Applied for (6 Ethics)
  • Platform: Zoom
  • Recordings: Available until 31 January 2025
  • Cost: ONLY R980 for all 6 days 

Don’t just dream of wealth—decide to create it!


What you will learn:

  • Day 1: Why everyone should try to get wealthy for their own personal growth

  • Day 2: How your creative mind produces money

  • Day 3: 3 ways to uncover & change your beliefs around money

  • Day 4: Actions you need to be taking to create money

  • Day 5: How to live (but not spend) from your future

  • Day 6: Scaling your business, imposter syndrome, other people’s opinions & sabotage

Whatever you want to change in your life – IT ALL STARTS IN YOUR MIND.

Your brain is the most powerful thing you have in the world. 

Everything you do, and the results you create, are all caused by the thoughts within your brain.

When you learn to manage your mind, you’ll be blown away at what you’re able to create and how easy it is to build the exact life you’ve always wanted.

If you can't manage your brain, you can't manage your emotions and thoughts. 

And when you are able to manage your mind, you will finally learn how to manage your time, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate unapologetic self-confidence. You can learn to manage your emotions and overcome your limiting beliefs around money.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions:

  • Are you earning what you truly deserve? 
  • Are you satisfied with your health, appearance, and overall well-being? 
  • Do you feel emotionally fulfilled & motivated every day? 
  • Are your relationships thriving, allowing you to spend quality time with loved ones? 
  • Are you living life on your terms, attracting incredible people, circumstances, and opportunities? 
  • Are you leading a life of purpose and inspiration? 

If you answered "no" to any of these, it's time for a change—and I’m here to help you make it happen!



Meet Adri Geyer

I understand firsthand the challenges of maximising clinical hours while, neglecting crucial administrative tasks, squeezing them into late nights right in the middle of the demands of parenthood.

The exhaustion and constant stress from feeling time-strapped are all too familiar.

I’m Adri Geyer, a Time and Mind Management Coach and Occupational Therapist, specialising in supporting Rehabilitation Therapists in private practice.

My journey spans diverse private practice scenarios. I've operated as a solopreneur, thrived in a successful partnership, and effectively managed a team of nine Occupational Therapists and three administrative staff. In the midst of these professional endeavors, I made a career transition into the mental health space. Throughout it all, I remained dedicated to serving my clients deeply and achieving financial success.

Simultaneously, I embraced the challenges and joys of blending a family, marrying into a household with three teenagers who are now young adults, while also raising a toddler.

Now, I prioritise time for my self and personal interests, as much as the time for my family, taking over 30 days of leave annually, all while maintaining a financially thriving practice.

Throughout my career, I’ve been a dedicated student of human behavior, deeply exploring personal growth and transformation. I’ve coached hundreds of health professionals in private practice on Time and Mind Management.

Throughout my career, I’ve immersed myself in human behavior studies, delving into personal growth and transformation. I’ve coached hundreds of health professionals in private practice on mastering Time and Mind Management.

Beyond my Occupational Therapy background, I’ve honed my skills through seminars, courses, and extensive reading, complemented by collaboration with John Demartini and certification from The Life Coach School.

When I promise to help you recapture five hours of your time swiftly, I speak from experience. You’ll not only reclaim valuable time but also rediscover confidence, reinvent your life, manage emotions effectively, and achieve your desired outcomes with clarity.