Time is your most precious & valuable resource.

Stop wasting it. 

Knowing what we need to do to achieve the life of our dreams is ONE THING.

But actually getting yourself to...

Follow through... is an entirely different game.

You want to:

  • Improve your Time Management
  •  Create an extra 5 hours per week. Every week. For the rest of your life. 
  • Feel fully present in your life
  • Feel satisfied when you close out your weeks

I can teach you how to do that in my 4 Day Retreat !

But HURRY, this offer expires by 31 Jan '24.

BUY NOW (Pay In Full)
PAY INSTALLMENT 1 (31 Jan '24)

If you are drowning in a sea of tasks?

And you have tried building the perfect calendar, putting 10 tasks into your calendar for Monday...

Only to re-shuffle come Tuesday morning, adding  what wasn't done and all your new tasks for the day.

But that Tuesday to-do list totally overwhelms you.

So your NEW PLAN is to completely ignore the original plan and re-write the list on Wednesday, right before life happens on Thursday.

Only to feel further behind and like a total failure by Friday.

That's when you realise you will be working this weekend  (AGAIN)...

You have tried it ALL to boost your productivity.

You've got the fancy new planner(s), online calendars, phone alarms and all the Apps.

But still at the end of each day, you feel like you haven't moved the needle forward on anything that truly matters?

When you think about the goals you want to achieve, there's the inner knowing...

"I'm totally capable of achieving this if

I actually start doing what I say I'll do...". 

So you double down to make up for the time you wasted...  

You think 'I just need to give more hours & be willing to work longer & it will pay off later. That's when I can really rest and enjoy myself".

But before you know it you're burnt out and re-planning your timeline to succeed. 

Something has to change. Fast.

It's time to pause, breathe...

& join me on a life-changing 4-day retreat designed exclusively for you.


It's possible for you to have plenty of time.   

I know this because

  1. You are willing. Willing to work hard, follow the grand plan & give things time. Except when it comes to actually do the things that build meaningful momentum towards your goals, those grand plans fall apart and you end up  sucked into your phone and spinning in fear of taking action. 
  2. You know that things worth doing, requires your time, effort and certain level of hardship... Which keeps coming up against your desire and expectation that you need to wait until you feel good before you start. 


  • You won't get it 'right' 
  • The results will fall short of what you've come to expect of yourself. 


And it's not going to come from copying other people, writing the perfect plan or seeing what someone else's time management strategies are (NOT EVEN MINE)  




There's something wrong with you!





If you feel like you are sinking in quicksand where the more you do, the less you achieve.... then I have the exact solution for you

I can teach you how to

Create & Recapture TIME


Get a guaranteed 5 Hours a week

Every week for life

By Killing Time Wasters LIKE:

  • Overwhelm
  • People pleasing
  • Indecision
  • Procrastination
  • Not finishing tasks
  • Buffering(with food and social media)

I can teach you how to ACCELERATE  into success


  • Without doing more

  • By doing more of what counts

  • AND dropping busy work & time management to-do's.


Actually enjoy your free time.

Instead of spending it in recovery!

I can teach you how to feel emotionally satisfied.

I can teach you how to Trust yourself


To do what you say you will.

When you say you will.

WITHOUT beating yourself up or "pushing through' to get 20 things done in a day.  


I can teach you how to 

Feel AHEAD, enjoy spaciousness & calm in your everyday life!

Change your thinking.

Change your life. 

Your brain is the most powerful thing you have in the world.

Everything you do, and the results you create, are all caused by the thoughts within your brain.

The solution is not Time Management.

It is Mind Management. 

While you question whether you'll ever have enough time, self-discipline or commitment to follow through on your perfect plan, this is what's actually happening:

Your brain is wired for survival.

It has one very simple job: keep you alive. 


Throughout 99.99% of our evolution this meant
  • Being lazy is a survival strategy to conserve energy & save calories
  • Avoiding failure at all cost because failure was actually really dangerous
  • Wanting to keep doing what we've done, the known is safe, the unknown is scary. 

These where signs of intelligence, and now... you're using them as signs that there's something wrong with you.

When you learn to manage your mind, you’ll be blown away at what you’re able to create and how easy it is to build the exact life you’ve always wanted.All you have to do is follow the steps I give you.

The process is simple to learn and will create massive changes in your life faster than anything you’ve ever tried before.

Are you ready to go all in on yourself?

This 4-day Retreat is for you.

How much faster do you want to move? 

You might be the client that already has 5-7 hours free in your calendar but you can't see it because: 

  • You are stuck in  overwhelm?
  • You are not constraining & end up trying to do many things at one time
  • You are stuck in doom scrolling
  • You simply recapture that time where you are stuck in indecision - the amount of time you have not been making decisions. 

Or you might be the client that needs to create the extra 5 hours, by learning the actual strategy of Monday Hour 1, that brings mind and emotional management together in a process to be intentional with your time.

If you could create this extra 5 hours of time every week? What would this do for your...

  • Mental health?
  • Emotional satisfaction? 

Imagine recapturing space for yourself

  • What would you do with an extra hour a day?

Maybe 30 minutes of gym?

Maybe that personal development that get's you the promotion?

Maybe watch the kids play sports?

Maybe a pottery class at night once a week? 

The solution is simple.

Mind Management

  • To learn that you are not your thoughts
  • To stop believing everything your brain tells you
  • To stop doing or not doing what your brain orders you to 
  • To redirect your brain on purpose, to what you want it to believe 
  • To create trust with yourself, a mindset that has you backing yourself and talking yourself up instead of down.

Join my 4-Day  Retreat!

But HURRY, because this offer expires by 31 Jan '24.

  • Date: 10 - 13 April 2024

  • Time: 09:00 - 16:00 (Day 1, 2 & 3) + 09:00 - 13:00 (Day 4)

  •  Venue: Zoom

  • Cost: R7 000 (pay in full or part-pay in 3 installments)

    • Installment 1: Due by 31 Jan 2024 -  R2 334

    • Installment 2: Due by 28 Feb 2024 - R2 333

    • Installment 3: Due by 31 Mar 2024 - R2 333

  • CPD: 24 CPD Points (applied for)










Early ENROLLMENT  get's you more

Picture this! A life-changing retreat that's not just an event but a catalyst for your growth. Enroll now BEFORE THE YEAR IS OUT, and you'll unlock a treasure trove of exclusive perks tailored just for you:
  • Enroll today and enjoy the flexibility of spreading your investment over 3 manageable months.
  • Get early access to my learning hub, start your self-coaching journey already, so when I see you in April you are ready to pivot and change the trajectory of your life.
  • Connect with like-minded individuals 24/7 on my WhatsApp Community Group. Share insights, seek support, and be part of a community that understands your journey intimately.
  • The learning hub and WhatsApp group also gives you access to me, Adri Geyer prior to the event to discuss, ask questions and get guidance. 
  • Free access to the next 3 webinars: How to get it done (3 strategies to create your next win), Throw away your to-do-list,  & Live life on Purpose (hosted between Jan - Apr '24) 
  • Get access to my 2023 Bring Balance to Time Full Day Workshop to reclaim control over your most precious resource – time.
  • Exclusive 3-Hour Monday Hour One  & 2024 Planning Webinar in early 2024

This is a once in a lifetime offer, what are you waiting for?

What you can expect from my Retreat 

This is an immersive coaching experience - unlike anything you have experienced before.

4 days (22 hours in total) of learning, growing and transforming.

No distractions.
No interruptions.
Just time to focus.

Time to build the life of your dreams!

  • The 'How to Get it Done' Retreat takes place over 4 days

Here's an overview:

  • Day 1: Full day workshop (09:00 - 16:00), ending in a Networking Dinner & Reception
  • Day 2: Full day workshop (09:00 - 16:00)
  • Day 3: Full day workshop (09:00 - 16:00)
  • Day 4: Half day workshop (09:00 - 13:00)


If you are still on the fence, schedule a call with me today to talk through your questions...

Make a Free Consult Booking NOW